Caramel Custard Pudding in Oven

"Stressed" is Desserts spelled backwards, can't agree more to these words. Today's recipe from Panda's Kitchen is one of the most comforting Desserts. It's very easy to prepare and gives a soul satisfying feel.

In a busy weekday, want some quick post-meal desserts or sudden visit of guests?? On a festival day, want something different for your sweet tooth?? Kids love this even more because of it's attractive color.

"Caramel Custard Pudding" in the Diwali Special Dessert from Panda's Kitchen, the dessert I prepare quite often and loved by many.

Ingredients :

  • 500 ml Milk 
  • 1 cup Sugar 
  • 3 tbsp Custard Powder 
  • 3 Breads 
  • 1/4 tsp Cardamom Powder (optional) 
  • Some broken almonds and cashews (optional)

Recipe Details :

✓ The tricky part here is preparing the caramel. Heat a pan, add 1/4 cup sugar. Keep stirring in medium flame. First sugar will melt, then form crystals, after which it'll start caramelizing. Be careful that sugar doesn't burn. You can add 1-2 tbsp water if required. Caramel is ready now.

✓ Immediately pour the caramel to a baking tin and spread well. Leave it for around 5 mins. Caramel will set.

✓ Cut the edges of the breads and grind them to a smooth powder. You can use breadcrumbs as replacement.

✓ In a bowl, take the Custard Powder. Add 1/4 cup milk to it. Milk should be at room temperature. Mix well so that no lumps is there.

✓ Heat rest of the milk in a pan. Add rest of the sugar to it. Mix well and let the milk come to boil.

✓ Once milk starts boiling, add the custard mix milk to it. Keeping the flame medium, keep stirring and cooking till milk starts thickening.

✓ Now add the breadcrumbs to pan. Add slowly and keep stirring simultaneously. Custard will be thickened up and that's the exact consistency we need.
This step is optional, but this gives the perfect consistency to pudding.

✓ Add cardamom powder, cashew and almods. Mix one more time.

✓ Now Transfer the custard to the caramel poured tin and tap it to plain the top.

✓ Preheat the oven at 160°C. Place the baking tin inside oven. Bake for around 15-20 mins till a layer starts forming at the top.

✓ After 15-20 mins, take out the tin from oven and keep aside until it comes to the room temperature.

✓ Now refrigerate the tin for around 4-5 hours so that the pudding will set well.

✓ After 4-5 hours, Take out from fridge and flip upside down to a plate.

✓ Carmel Custard Pudding is ready. Cut into pieces and serve chilled.

Tips: If you don't have an oven, place the tin inside a steamer and steam for around 20 mins.
In stead of caramel, mix 2 tsp Coffee powder with water and add it to the custard, then follow the same process (skip first 2 steps). Coffee Custard Pudding is ready.


  1. Perfect shape and texture.
    Delicious preparation
    My all time favourite.


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