Fruits Dessert Cup

There's a quote by Henry David Thoreau, "Live in each season as it passes, breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit." Nature has created the fruits in such a way that Every seasonal fruits tastes better in that particular season as it naturally ripens to get it's entire taste.

Summers are difficult in India. Summer brings with it many colorful juicy fruits which is much needed to keep the body hydrated and provide instant boost of energy. So, how about using the fruits to prepare some blooming delicious desserts, bringing the real taste and colors to Summer life!!!

"Fruits Dessert Cup" in today's recipe from Panda's Kitchen.

Ingredients :

  • 500 ml Milk 
  • 1 cup Sugar  
  • 3 tbsp Custard Powder  
  • Some Chopped Fruits - I have used Banana, Apple, Black Grapes, Green Grapes, Strawberry, Guava, Orange and Pineapple  
  • 1 cup Watermelon juice (you can use any juice of your choice like orange, Strawberry, Mango) 
  • 1/4 cup Sugar (Honey can also be used as an alternate) 
  • 2 tbsp Cornflour 
  • Some Cups/Glass

Recipe Details :

✓ In a bowl, take the Custard Powder. Add 1/4 cup milk to it. Milk should be at room temperature. Mix well so that no lumps is there.

 ✓ Heat rest of the milk in a pan. Add rest of the sugar to it. Mix well and let the milk come to boil. Once milk starts boiling, add the custard mix milk to it. Keeping the flame medium, keep stirring and cooking till milk starts thickening.

✓ Switch off the flame and let it cool down. 

✓ Pour in glass/cup till half full.

Take some watermelon pieces and blend well to juice. Strain the juice to a bowl.

✓ Add 1/4 cup sugar and Cornflour. Mix well. 

Cook till it thickens.

 ✓ Take all the cut fruits in a bowl and mix them all.

✓ Fill the other half of dessert cup with cut fruits.

✓ Pour the watermelon jelly on top.

✓ Garnish the cup with some mint leaves at top. You can layer it up as you like.

✓ The beautiful colorful Dessert cups are ready to dig-in.


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