Instant Milk Peda

Milk Peda is a something that anyone can relish, even a small kid. It's one of the most popular among sweets, there would hardly be any sweet shop without Milk Peda in the display.  

Traditional Milk Peda is prepared by boiling the full fat milk continuously in very low flame till milk evaporates leaving the Khova behind, which is then given the shape of peda. But my today's recipe is all about "Instant Milk Peda",  prepared with just 5 ingredients. It hardly takes 15-20 mins to prepare and doesn't need any pre-plan, either to arrange the ingredients or reserving time. 

Peda is used as prasad/offerings in festivals. People prefer to have this as dessert during fasting/vrat. Since Navratri is ahead, how about starting the festive season with "kuch meetha ho jaye"😍

This recipe has another significance to prepare today. It's said to be the favorite dessert of our father of nation "Gandhiji". As we all have read in books that, he had a very simple lifestyle and he loved simple Indian food. Today on the occasion of Mahatma Gandhiji's birthday, Let's prepare some instant milk Peda and on his memory cherish the independence we have now that he fought for.

 Ingredients :

  • 1 cup Milk powder
  • 1 cup Full Fat Milk
  • 1/4 cup Sugar
  • 2 tbsp Ghee
  • 1/4 tsp Cardamom Powder

Recipe Details : 

✓ Take the milk powder in a bowl and Add milk to it. Keep Mixing by cut and fold method to make a smooth paste with no lumps.

✓ Add sugar to it. Keep whisking until sugar is dissolved.

✓ Add the cardamom powder now to this mix and stir again.

 ✓ In a kadai, heat ghee. Add the above mixture to it.

 ✓ Keep stirring in medium heat till the mixture starts thickening. Also keep scrapping the sides.

✓ Now make the flame low and keep stirring and mixing till peda starts leaving pan and becomes a thick dough.

✓ Transfer the dough to a bowl and wait until it cool down.

✓ In the next step, grease your hand with some ghee and knead the dough well to make it soft, smooth and crack-free.

✓ Take a small  portion from it and give it the the shape of your choice.

✓ Add some dry fruits over it for garnishing. Milk peda is ready.

Tips: Always use full fat milk for best results.
Keep a proper measurement of sugar quantity because milk powder is already sweet.
Keep the flame low in the entire process, else milk may burn and peda will be spoiled.
Additionally milk-maid and Saffron can be added to it.


  1. It's too easy to make with very less ingredients... thanks for sharing ❤️

  2. Wow fantastic preparation .
    Wish I could take one from your plate 🙂


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