Steam Modak | Ukadiche

Ganesha Ji is arriving soon at our doorstep, which is also called the beginning of festival seasons.
Ganesha Chaturthi is one of our favourite festivals, which also has many childhood memories associated. 

Thinking of those innocent days, where this puja used to be all about wearing new dress, doing fast, worshiping our books, not studying on this day and most importantly, trying to please Ganesha in all ways possible to score good in exam!!! Seer Nostalgia... Isn't it ??? 😉

The bhog offered to Ganesha varies from place to place. But one of his well known favourites is "Modak", as per one of his famous pet name "Modakapriya". This year, following the healthy trend, I have prepared some steam Modak to welcome Ganesha Ji to my home.

Try them out and post your feedback in Comments Section. 

 Ingredients :
  • 1 cup Rice Flour
  • 1/2 cup Jaggery
  • 1 cup Grated Coconut
  • 50 gm grated Paneer
  • Some broken cashew, dates and raisins
  • 1/2 tsp Cardamom Powder
  • A pinch of salt 
  • 1/3 tsp Pepper Powder
  • 1/2 tbsp Ghee
  • 1 cup water
Recipe Details :

✓ In a pan, add jaggery. Once Jaggery melts, add grated Paneer, grated coconut, broken cashew,dates and peanut pieces. Add Cardamom Powder, Pepper powder.  

✓ Keep stirring and cooking for few mins in low flame.  Stuffing is ready now. Keep it aside.

✓ Heat water in the same pan. Once water comes to boil, add salt and ghee. 

✓ Add rice flour and keep stirring to mix everything well and make a hard and firm mix.

✓ Rest till it cools down a bit. Now transfer to a bowl and keep kneading to make a soft and smooth dough. Sprinkle little water if required.

✓ Make small sized balls out of the dough. 

✓ Press from the sides and create a cup shape structure. Add 1 tsp of stuffing inside.

✓ Seal the edges and give it a shape of your choice. Modak mould also can be used.

✓ Grease the steamer plate with some ghee. And place the Modak to steam.

✓ Steam for around 10-12 mins in medium flame.

✓ Steam Modak is ready.


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