Rose Cookies / Acchu Murukku / Achapam

Are you also one like me who gets hungry in just 1 hour of having food?? Or are there kids at home, who need some short food breaks?? 

Lockdown at home means continuous hunger, isn't it ?? Jar snacks are best to munch on, when hungry!! They can be prepared in large batches and keep stored for few days to get rid of the short snacky hungers...!!!

It's cherry on top of cake, when the jar snack can be prepared with just few ingredients easily and quickly.. My today's recipe is all about one of this category...

"Rose Cookies" is the one, which is one of my favorite snacks since childhood, when they used to come in 50ps per piece.. 

The name is probably because of it's shape. It's also called "Achhapam" or "Acchu Murukku" in some places.

I used to buy this from bakeries or chips corners, but the bought ones are too oily and sometimes not crispy!! Thanks to the lockdown I tried it on my own and the home-made ones much better. Let's start with the recipe.

 Ingredients :
  • 1 cup Raw Rice - washed and soaked for 2-3 hours (alternatively, take 2 cups of Rice Flour)
  • 1/2 cup Maida
  • 1/2 cup Sugar
  • 1/2 cup Milk 
  • A pinch of salt
  • A pinch of Baking Soda
  • Few pieces of Coconut (if you are taking the rice flour, take coconut milk in stead)
  • 3-4 Cardamom
  • 1 tsp Pepper Powder
  • 1 tsp Sesame Seeds
  • Oil for Frying
  • Rose Cookie Mould
  • 1 Egg (please note only if you want to add it)
Recipe Details :

✓ Except sesame seeds and oil, take all the other ingredients in a blending jar.  Blend to make a smooth thick paste. Add some water if needed.

✓ The paste shouldn't be too thick, it won't make the cookies crispy or it shouldn't be too thin, it won't stick to the mould.

✓ Add sesame seed to it and mix again.

✓ Heat oil in a deep bottomed kadai.

✓ Take the Cookie Mould, keep it dipped in hot oil for sometime. Take out the mould and dip it in the batter.(you shouldn't dip the entire mould into batter, rather only 3/4th of it. this is important so that the batter can leave the mould easily)

✓ Now dip the mould again inside hot oil carefully. Hold for few secs, after which shake the mould gently so that the cookie will be released to oil. (You can do this with the help of a fork, if the cookie is not leaving the mould)

✓ Let it fry in medium flame for some more mins and keep changing the sides until both the sides of it becomes golden brown in colour.

✓ Take them out in a kitchen towel and let it cool down, after which they can be stored in a jar for few days.


  1. My all time favorite
    Healthier than other deep-frying snacks.

  2. It's my favorite snacks from my childhood days
    Thanks for sharing the recipe


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